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AI and Semiotics (R-GIRO project)
(2017/06/16) Colloquium on "Machine learning for finding latent variables by a robot"
(2017/11/02) Colloquium on ”Voice-enabled interface for interactive robots”
(2017/12/07) Colloquium on "Driving Act Analysis"
(2018/11/26)COLLOQUIUM ON "Audio Signal Processing"
(2018/11/7) Joint Workshop with the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)
(2018/12/11)COLLOQUIUM ON "Understanding of Human Brain Function towards AI / Automatic Development in Real World"
(2018/2/28)Colloquium on "Intelligent Surveillance System using CV technology"
(2018/3/12)COLLOQUIUM ON "Human Driver and Automated Driving"
(2018/7/20)COLLOQUIUM on "Symbol Emergence in Music"
(2018/7/27)COLLOQUIUM on "Machine Learning based Video Event Analysis"
(2018/7/31) Joint Workshop with IEEE Kansai on "Basics of Artificial Intelligence and Its Real-world Applications"
(2019/03/10)Lectures on "Super-aging Society and AI"
(2019/03/24)Workshop on "Solution tailored for utilizing the IoT/Service Robot"
Our joint team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic won the 1st Place of the Future Convenience Store Challenge, Customer Interaction Task, at the World Robot Summit 2018!
Symposium on “Approach for a Future Society led by Harmony between Human and AI”
AI and Semiotics (R-GIRO project)
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